Thursday, January 8, 2009

Healing Is A Choice or Fueling the Teen Machine

Healing Is A Choice: 10 Decisions That Will Transform Your Life and 10 Lies That Can Prevent You From Making Them

Author: Stephen Arterburn

From chronic physical pain to deep emotional hurts, we are all, at some level, in need of healing. And healing, writes author Stephen Arterburn, is a choice, although not our choice-it is God's choice. While that may lead us to understand that healing is out of our hands, there are several things we do or believe that can stand in the way of God's healing in our lives.

Describing ten choices we can make, and the corresponding ten lies that we must reject, Arterburn outlines the plan for opening our lives to God's divine touch. For example, to be receptive to God's healing, we must make the choice to feel; but we often buy into the lie that we need something to help numb the pain. Likewise, we can choose to embrace reality; but we often falsely believe that if we act as if nothing is wrong, the problem will go away.

Healing on all levels-spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical-is a miraculous gift from God; but it is a function of our own decisions and beliefs as well. When we make the right choices, and reject the lies, we can find the way to wholeness again.

Publishers Weekly

Interspersing wise though basic advice with real-life examples, Arterburn (Every Man's Battle) offers a guide that could help many people progress farther along the path of emotional and psychological healing. Written at a simple level, the book's purpose is to break down the barriers that keep people from seeking the help they need. Arterburn challenges some obstacles to healing that are particular to the Christian community, such as the idea that believers should feel peaceful and happy all the time. Yet he also does a good job of addressing the more basic barriers to healing common to all people, e.g., denial of pain and lack of forgiveness. His examples from the lives of others are quite helpful, drawn mostly from his workshops on obesity and sexual addiction. But the glimpses he gives into his own life are the most engaging. He shares openly about the confusion, fear and shame stemming from his divorce, as well as the pathway toward healing he has had to take. Arterburn is very clear that the process of healing is often long and difficult, yet he still conveys a hopeful, encouraging tone to those in pain. (Aug. 16) Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.

Table of Contents:


The Choice to Heal Your Life Chapter 1....................1
The First Choice: The Choice to Connect Your Life The First Big Lie: "All I need to heal is just God and me." Chapter 2....................27
The Second Choice: The Choice to Feel Your Life The Second Big Lie: "Real Christians should have a real peace in all circumstances." Chapter 3....................49
The Third Choice: The Choice to Investigate Your Life in Search of Truth The Third Big Lie: "It does no good to look back or look inside." Chapter 4....................69
The Fourth Choice: The Choice to Heal Your Future The Fourth Big Lie: "Time heals all wounds." Chapter 5....................85
The Fifth Choice: The Choice to Help Your Life The Fifth Big Lie: "I can figure this out by myself." Chapter 6....................103
The Sixth Choice: The Choice to Embrace Your Life The Sixth Big Lie: "If I just act as if there is no problem, it will finally go away." Chapter 7....................119
The Seventh Choice: The Choice to Forgive The Seventh Big Lie: "Forgiveness is only for those who deserve it or earn it." Chapter 8....................147
The Eighth Choice: The Choice to Risk Your Life The Eighth Big Lie: "I must protect myself from any more pain." Chapter 9....................167
The Ninth Choice: The Choice to Serve The Ninth Big Lie: "Until I am completely healed and strong, there is no place for me to serve God." Chapter 10....................191
The Tenth Choice: The Choice to Persevere The Tenth Big Lie: "There is no hope for me." Chapter11....................219
Final Thoughts on Healing Notes....................225
About the Author....................226

New interesting textbook: Billy the Kid Cookbook or With Heart and Soul

Fueling the Teen Machine

Author: Ellen L Shanley

Here's a guide for teens and adults that takes a different approach to the strange and wonderful eating practices of teenagers. It looks at what to accept, what to modify slightly, and what may cause emotional distress in either teen or adult. "Fueling the Teen Machine" is written for teens with a minimum of fuss and cajoling. It was created by two registered dieticians who felt teenagers were often lectured about eating, but were seldom given useful facts about food and nutrition. Ellen Shanley and Colleen Thompson gathered sound information on everything from eating disorders and evaluating diets to vegetarianism and fast food.

The authors felt that teens needed a book just for them. Their work in child nutrition ultimately led to a statewide contest that produced the recipes, created by real teens, that appear in this book. Once and for all "Fueling the Teen Machine" establishes that there is life after junk food and french fries.

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