Thursday, December 25, 2008

The New Yoga for People Over 50 or The Warrior Diet 2nd Edition

The New Yoga for People Over 50

Author: Suza Francina

Many seniors are searching for ways to improve their quality of life and remain active as they enter midlife and later years. Nationwide, people are recognizing yoga for its ability to slow down and reverse the aging process. A complete health system, yoga not only restores vitality to the body, but also expands the mind and soul. Yoga transforms the years after 50 from a time of deterioration to one of increased perspective and illumination.

In The New Yoga for People Over 50, readers will learn how the health of the spine and posture affect every sustem of the body, and how yoga positions and breathing exercises benefit the circulatory system, the heart and other vital organs, relieve menopausal symptoms, and remove stiffness and inertia from the body. In this comprehensive guide, Iyengar yoga expert Suza Francina describes and illustrates how to begin and maintain a yoga program through personal stories and over 100 easy-to-follow instructional photos of older teachers and students.

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The Warrior Diet, 2nd Edition: Switch on Your Biological Powerhouse - for Explosive Strength, High Energy, and a Leaner, Harder Body

Author: Ori Hofmekler

Along with the many benefits of leisure-class living comes obesity and its attendant ailments. In The Warrior Diet, Ori Hofmekler looks not forward but backward for a solution–to the primal habits of early cultures such as nomads and hunter-gatherers, the Greeks, and the Romans. Based on survival science, this book proposes not ordinary dietary changes but rather a radical yet surprisingly simple lifestyle overhaul.

Drawing on both scientific studies and historical data, Hofmekler argues that robust health and a lean, strong body can best be achieved by mimicking the classical warrior mode of cycling—working and eating sparingly (undereating) during the day and filling up at night. Specific elements from the Warrior Diet Nutritional Program (finding ideal fuel foods and food combinations to reduce body fat) to the Controlled Fatigue Training Program (promoting strength, speed, and resilience to fatigue through special drills), literally reshape body and mind. Individual chapters cover warrior meals and recipes; sex drive, potency, and animal magnetism; as well as personalizing the diet for women. Featuring forewords by Fit for Life author Harvey Diamond and Fat That Kills author Dr. Udo Erasmus, The Warrior Diet shows readers weary of fad diets how to attain enduring vigor, explosive strength, a better appearance, and increased vitality and health.

Table of Contents:
Acknowledgments     xvii
Foreword   Harvey Diamond     xix
Foreword   Udo Erasmus     xxi
Author's Preface     xxiii
Introduction to the Second Edition     xxv
Introduction     xxvii
Ancient Warriors vs. Modern Man     xxvii
One Meal A Day     xxix
The Warrior Diet Advantage     xxx
The "Stubborn Fat" Syndrome     xxxi
Some Practical Advice for Utilizing This Book     xxxii
The Warrior Instinct     1
The Instinct to Survive and Multiply     1
The Hunter/Predator Instinct     2
The Scavenger Instinct     5
The Warrior Cycle     9
The Energetic Cycle     10
The Cycle of Materialism and Dematerialism     10
The Healing Process of the Cycle     11
All in the Timing-Finding Your Cycle     12
The Undereating Phase     13
Controlled Fasting     14
Daily Detoxification (Elimination of Toxins, Burning Fat, Anti-Aging)     19
The Adaptation Period     22
What to Consume During the Undereating Phase     25
"Living" Foods     25
What To Drink     26
What To Eat     27
Protein     28
Carbohydrates     30
Enzymes     31
Supplements for the Undereating Phase     33
Protein Powders: A Review     40
Summary of the Undereating Phase     43
The Overeating Phase     45
The Overeating Principles     45
Controlled Overeating     46
The Three Rules of Eating     48
The Main Meal: Food Preparations for the Overeating Phase     55
The Importance of Choosing Fresh Foods     55
Cooking Your Own Meals     55
Protein     60
Oils     68
Carbohydrates     71
Fruits     73
Grains     74
Sweet Meals for a "Sweet Tooth"     77
Fiber     78
Fermented Foods     79
The Acid-Base Balancing Factor     81
Salt Restriction     84
The Most Allergenic Foods     85
What Is Not Allowed on the Warrior Diet     85
The Warrior Diet Daily Food Cycle: What and When to Eat and Drink     86
Stubborn Fat     91
What Is Stubborn Fat?     91
What Causes Stubborn Fat?     92
How to Prevent Stubborn Fat     94
How to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat     96
The Warrior Diet Versus Other Diets     101
The Warrior Diet vs. the Frequent-Feeding System     103
Reviews of Popular Diets     103
The All-American (Junk Food) Diet     104
High-Carbohydrate, Low-Fat, Low-Protein     105
The Zone (40/30/30)     106
High-Protein, Low- or No-Carbohydrate     107
Holistic Diets     109
Lessons from History     113
The Romans-An Empire of Wanderers     114
The Greco-Roman Warrior Cycle     116
Concept of Food and the Roman Diet     118
Rules of Eating     124
Sickness and Medicine     126
Living Off the Land     127
Summary     128
Conclusions for the Modern "Warrior"     132
The Warrior Diet Idea     137
Cycling the Warrior Diet     137
Cycling the Autonomic Nervous System     139
The Instinct to Overeat     140
Glycogen Stretching     142
How Much Body Fat Should You Have?     143
Building Muscles Without Gaining Fat     144
Insulin Insensitivity     145
The Sense of Freedom     145
The Romantic Instinct     147
The Aggressive Instinct     150
The Myth of Eating Whole Foods Only     150
Chemical and Environmental Toxins, and Other Stressors in Everyday Life     151
Prostate Enlargement Problems     157
Questions & Answers     163
Sex Drive, Potency, and Animal Magnetism     171
Sex, Power, and Instincts     171
Male Performance Factors     174
Potency and Diet     174
Overtraining vs. Your Sex Drive     179
The Warrior Diet-Instinctual Living and Potency     180
Women on the Warrior Diet     183
The Warrior Workout: Controlled-Fatigue Training     187
Lean 'n' Mean for a Lifetime     188
The Warrior Controlled-Fatigue Training Goals     189
The Controlled-Fatigue Training Principles     189
Make strength-training priorities: joints and back     189
Combine strength, speed, and high-velocity exercise     190
Train to resist fatigue     194
Do not train to reach failure     196
Make your workout short     198
Pre-Workout and Recovery Meals      199
The Exercise Program     202
The Exercise Manuals     206
Pre-Fatigue Exercise     207
Post-Fatigue Exercise     211
The Core Exercise     214
Laterals     218
Supportive Manual Exercise (Abs, Back, Shoulders)     222
Workout and Diet     235
Women Who Follow the Warrior Workout     236
Warrior Meals and Recipes     239
Meats     240
Eggs     242
Baked and Grilled Meals     245
Soups     247
Desserts     248
References     253
Index     00
About the Author     00

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